Yesterday morning as I was trying to fix breakfast, Leo came into the kitchen and said something in a funny voice that I didn't understand. When I asked him what he was talking about he said, "You know what that computer at Walmart says 'press OK to pay.' " I just die laughing. I use the Walmart self checkout so much that my son knows what the "computer" is going to say next. It's sad but true I spend way too much time in Walmart.
This got me thinking about other sad but true facts about my life right now.
1. I still watch way too much QVC for a person under the age of 70.
2. I found a whole patch of gray hairs this morning.
3. I spend too much time on the computer at night when I should be sleeping.
4. I'm that mom that lets her baby chew on everything - keys, cellphone, etc.
5. I kept my "lounging around the house" pants and tshirt on all day today, like I do at least 2-3 days a week.
Oh well, I'm sure I'm not the only mother in Alabama today that wore cotton pants and a tshirt in her backyard as she blew bubbles with her children. Here's hoping for more pretty weather and trips to Walmart!
I call my blog Mother of the Year because everytime I do something that makes me feel like the worst mother ever I think to myself "Wow I'm definately not going to win the Mother of the Year award!" This blog is my way of staying sane while I stay at home to raise my two children (and work harder than I ever have in my whole life).
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Nora's Baptism
Sunday morning I'm trying to think of everything I could bring with me to keep not only Nora happy but to also keep Leo occupied. Leo usually goes to the nursery with Nora so neither one is use to sitting still for the entire service. I pack the biggest tote I can find full of a new puzzle book and crayons for Leo, Nora's favorite Cookie Monster lovey, several Hotwheels for Leo, and a sippy cup for Nora. I feel like I'm getting ready for an overnight trip. Thankfully I was prepared because we needed all these items plus some!
The children are use to attending church with only me so it was a treat to have Nana, Daddy, and the two godparents, Heather and Kenny, with us. This was a big help because Heather entertained Leo while Nana and I entertained Nora. Everything was going well until it was time for the actual baptism. It was like Nora remembered the practice because was soon as we got to the front of the church she started fussing. At practice, the priest told us that Nora's fussing and crying always bothers the parents more that the congregation. He was right. Everyone was very nice and ooohh and aaahhed over Nora and Leo. Leo did great as the big brother. He stood very patiently with us while Nora's was baptised. Again, overall it was a great expereince.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Frankie the Fish

My children are obsessed with Frankie the Fish. For those of you who don't know, Frankie is the fish from the McDonald's Fillet o' Fish commercial. It is the ugliest fish mounted on a plaque on the wall. It sings the craziest song and both my kids think it is the funniest thing. Leo loves to watch the commercial on Youtube and Nora will sing and dance right along. A few weeks ago Nana found a toy Frankie at CVS. I have never seen my children go so wild over a fish before. Nora has now learned how to push the button and play the song. This morning I listened to Frankie sing his song at least 2 dozen time while I cleaned house. Who knew that I would be using a singing fish as a babysitter! Again I find myself asking the question is this normal?!
Here is the link to the Frankie the Fish commerical on Youtube:
Nora loves Frankie |
My children are obsessed with Frankie the Fish. For those of you who don't know, Frankie is the fish from the McDonald's Fillet o' Fish commercial. It is the ugliest fish mounted on a plaque on the wall. It sings the craziest song and both my kids think it is the funniest thing. Leo loves to watch the commercial on Youtube and Nora will sing and dance right along. A few weeks ago Nana found a toy Frankie at CVS. I have never seen my children go so wild over a fish before. Nora has now learned how to push the button and play the song. This morning I listened to Frankie sing his song at least 2 dozen time while I cleaned house. Who knew that I would be using a singing fish as a babysitter! Again I find myself asking the question is this normal?!
Here is the link to the Frankie the Fish commerical on Youtube:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Old Lady Purse
Last night I was cleaning out my purse/diaper bag when I came to the sad realization that I have turned into an old lady. Yes it's true, I need to carry enough supplies to last me and the children forat least three days. Since when did I became that lady, you know the one who can't hardly walk because her purse is so heavy. Is this normal? Do all mom's feel the need to bring at least one of everything their child/baby might need for a simple trip to Walmart?
So here are just a few of the items found in my purse last night:
2 extra diapers and wipes in a flower diaper pack
2 monster trucks from McDonald's Happy Meals
container of Goldfish
2 dragon toys
1 teether
extra outfit for Nora
extra food and bib for Nora
Weight Watcher's book
Small bag filled with lip gloss, tissues, hand sanitizer, Bandaids, Advil, and a brush
sippy cup
Matchbox toy airplane
3 action figures
2 receipts
My Little Pony again from a Happy Meal
notepad and pen
As I look at this list I can see two facts and me and the children. Number one, the children eat too many Happy Meals and number two, we could live out of this bag for at least two days. Maybe I should also look at this list and see that I really do try to be the mother of the year. By toting all this junk around I feel like I'm prepared for anything that the kids might throw at me!
I would like to say that this is a new thing or that all moms carry around a overnight bag everywhere they go. The sad truth is that I'm an old soul. As a child I felt the need to carry extra of everything I might need. If I needed a #2 pencil for a test I brought 4. If I needed paper, brought a whole pack. In college I had a backpack that was full of every type of pen and pencil imaginable. I'm that person in class that everyone knows they could borrow paper or pens from. Truth be told, I was nerdy like this from birth. I wonder if being nerdy is genetic or something that is learned. Either way my children have little hope of avoiding this type of nerdiness!
Contents of the old lady purse |
So here are just a few of the items found in my purse last night:
2 extra diapers and wipes in a flower diaper pack
2 monster trucks from McDonald's Happy Meals
container of Goldfish
2 dragon toys
1 teether
extra outfit for Nora
extra food and bib for Nora
Weight Watcher's book
Small bag filled with lip gloss, tissues, hand sanitizer, Bandaids, Advil, and a brush
sippy cup
Matchbox toy airplane
3 action figures
2 receipts
My Little Pony again from a Happy Meal
notepad and pen
As I look at this list I can see two facts and me and the children. Number one, the children eat too many Happy Meals and number two, we could live out of this bag for at least two days. Maybe I should also look at this list and see that I really do try to be the mother of the year. By toting all this junk around I feel like I'm prepared for anything that the kids might throw at me!
I would like to say that this is a new thing or that all moms carry around a overnight bag everywhere they go. The sad truth is that I'm an old soul. As a child I felt the need to carry extra of everything I might need. If I needed a #2 pencil for a test I brought 4. If I needed paper, brought a whole pack. In college I had a backpack that was full of every type of pen and pencil imaginable. I'm that person in class that everyone knows they could borrow paper or pens from. Truth be told, I was nerdy like this from birth. I wonder if being nerdy is genetic or something that is learned. Either way my children have little hope of avoiding this type of nerdiness!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Super Bowl Sunday
Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday so I decided to make taco soup and have our own football party. I told Leo we were going to watch a football game and have fun. That lasted about 15 minutes before we were bored with the game. I decided to turn on the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. Nora was sitting in the living room quietly pulling toys out of her toy box. When we turned the channel, Nora turned around and started scooting to the TV. She stood up and started woofing at the puppies. She was barking like crazy and yelling "dog" at the TV. I have never seen a child go wild over dogs on TV before. Then the kitty halftime show started. This was too much for Nora. She literally laughed so hard she lost her balance and fell over. Nora loves, loves, loves cats. Her first word, besides mama and dada, was kitty cat. Cats playing and music to dance to is Nora's dream show. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Leo and I couldn't stop laughing at this wild girl meowing and woofing at the TV. This morning when Nora and I walked past the TV, Nora started barking. I think I've created a monster! When Nora grows up to be a vet I'll have to remind her of this.
Early today Leo asked me if he could take some pictures with my camera. He loves to go around the house taking pictures. Leo is very serious about this. It always makes me laugh to see what he will take a picture of. Here are a few of his masterpieces.
Nora barking at the dogs outside |
Early today Leo asked me if he could take some pictures with my camera. He loves to go around the house taking pictures. Leo is very serious about this. It always makes me laugh to see what he will take a picture of. Here are a few of his masterpieces.
Leo took 3 pictures of his new monster trucks! |
Leo always takes of picture of himself |
Nora crawling around the kitchen |
Leo was so mad Scruffy wouldn't smile fo r the camera! |
Thursday, February 3, 2011
My Sweet Valentine
Today Leo and I were at Walmart when he asked me to look at something. He was pointing to a stuffed bear and said that he needed to get that for Nora. When I asked why he said, "because she is my Valentine." How sweet is that! Leo loves Nora so much that he literally smothers her with hugs and kisses. Earlier in the week when I gave Leo his lunch he told me that I need to work in a restaurant. When I asked why he said because I was a great chief. I was so proud! Where is my little baby boy and who is this big kid?
Nora is growing up fast too. Today I noticed how tall she seems. When she stands up, she looks like a toddler. Nora is also talking so much. Nora talks from the minute she gets up till the minute she goes to sleep at night. She has quickly learned that she has be loud to get heard in our house. Her favorite game is to talk on the phone. She also loves to get the remote and push buttons till the channel changes. She then looks at me and says "oohh."
The kids have also started playing more together. Leo gets all the pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals off his bed and brings them into the living room for a "pillow party." Leo and Nora crawl and roll around all the pillows and blankets. It is so cute to see Leo hiding under the blankets and Nora trying to find him. It's all fun and games until Leo starts getting to rough. I have to constantly remind him that she is still just a baby and he can hurt her. For the most part it is lots of fun.
Now I just need to remember these fun moments when I'm stressed!
Nora is growing up fast too. Today I noticed how tall she seems. When she stands up, she looks like a toddler. Nora is also talking so much. Nora talks from the minute she gets up till the minute she goes to sleep at night. She has quickly learned that she has be loud to get heard in our house. Her favorite game is to talk on the phone. She also loves to get the remote and push buttons till the channel changes. She then looks at me and says "oohh."
The kids have also started playing more together. Leo gets all the pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals off his bed and brings them into the living room for a "pillow party." Leo and Nora crawl and roll around all the pillows and blankets. It is so cute to see Leo hiding under the blankets and Nora trying to find him. It's all fun and games until Leo starts getting to rough. I have to constantly remind him that she is still just a baby and he can hurt her. For the most part it is lots of fun.
Now I just need to remember these fun moments when I'm stressed!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Crazy Things
So today I was trying to exercise using a workout DVD while Nora was crawling around the living room. The whole time I'm trying to avoid Nora who thinks it is a fun game to chase me around the room. I can only imagine how crazy I look. As I look up to see what the woman is doing on the DVD, I step on Nora's finger. This got me thinking about all the crazy things I have done since I became a mom.
Here are just a few crazy things I have done:
1. I have left my purse in the buggy while shopping (this have happened more times than I care to admit).
2. When Leo was a toddler he wanted to sing songs about he favorite things like mac and cheese, basketball, and his stuffed lion named Baby. I could often be heard making up crazy songs to the tune of classic kids songs.
3. I've worn my shirt backwards at work for half the day before I even noticed.
4. When Leo was potty training he would refuse to use a public toilet so I would have to beg/threaten him to use the bathroom in a public restroom.
5. I have told Leo wild stories to get him to do chores like if you don't clean up your room Santa may trip and fall and superheros always eat all their veggies.
6. I once left the house and got into the car before I realized that I was still wearing my house shoes.
7. I have fallen asleep sitting upright in a chair.
8. I have told my children that Mama needs a time out and shut my bedroom door.
9. Nora loves to dance anytime she hears music and I can't help myself, I have to dance too.
10. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for the kids including making Halloween coustumes, listening to stories that seem to last forever, embarass myself by singing and dancing in public or even carry a screaming child out of the store because he is pitching a fit.
I often wonder if I'm the only one who has done these or other crazy things since becoming a mom. Surely I'm not alone in sometimes believing that motherhood makes you lose your mind a bit. I'm so glad that I'm a mom even if I occassionally forget things and look silly in public.
Here are just a few crazy things I have done:
1. I have left my purse in the buggy while shopping (this have happened more times than I care to admit).
2. When Leo was a toddler he wanted to sing songs about he favorite things like mac and cheese, basketball, and his stuffed lion named Baby. I could often be heard making up crazy songs to the tune of classic kids songs.
3. I've worn my shirt backwards at work for half the day before I even noticed.
4. When Leo was potty training he would refuse to use a public toilet so I would have to beg/threaten him to use the bathroom in a public restroom.
5. I have told Leo wild stories to get him to do chores like if you don't clean up your room Santa may trip and fall and superheros always eat all their veggies.
6. I once left the house and got into the car before I realized that I was still wearing my house shoes.
7. I have fallen asleep sitting upright in a chair.
8. I have told my children that Mama needs a time out and shut my bedroom door.
9. Nora loves to dance anytime she hears music and I can't help myself, I have to dance too.
10. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for the kids including making Halloween coustumes, listening to stories that seem to last forever, embarass myself by singing and dancing in public or even carry a screaming child out of the store because he is pitching a fit.
I often wonder if I'm the only one who has done these or other crazy things since becoming a mom. Surely I'm not alone in sometimes believing that motherhood makes you lose your mind a bit. I'm so glad that I'm a mom even if I occassionally forget things and look silly in public.
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