Saturday, May 12, 2012

Leo's Soccer Game and Nora's Singing Career

Today was Leo's last soccer game.  He has really had a lot of fun playing soccer this season.  This is the forth season Leo has played soccer.  He played soccer in South Pittsburg, TN (only about 10 minutes from our house).  He is starting to really understand the rules.  I like how laid back it is.  They don't really keep score, everyone gets to play, and it seems to be more about having fun than just winning.  For me, that is what sports should be about when you are 5-6 years old.  Leo loves the constant running and kicking in soccer.  Leo, however, gets rough sometimes.  He gets right in the action and isn't afraid to push and throw an elbow when he wants to get to the ball first.  If we did keep score, Leo would be the first to get a red card.  I am glad that he is having fun, but he needs to learn that he can't always be first.  I think working as a team is helping this.  He is actually starting to understand that it is ok for your teammates to score because that means your whole team gets a point.  It's been fun watching him play and seeing the proud look on his face when he scores. 

Nora's favorite part of soccer is playing with the rocks!

After the game today, Leo's team had a pizza party at the park.  The best part of playing soccer, according to Leo, is the trophy!!!

Nora loves soccer too.  Ok well she loves to dress up in Leo's soccer uniform! 

 It's funny to see Nora's personality developing.  She is a diva for sure!  Nora loves to sing and dance.  Earlier this week, I was driving Nora to her daycare.  I had the radio on because we have to hear "jams" as Leo calls them, while we drive.  Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" came on.  Nora started singing along.  I cracked up.  You really haven't lived until you hear a two year old trying to sing along with Adele!  She was getting in to it too.  Seeing her moves was the funniest part.  In Nora's mind I guess she was performing at the Grammy's or something.  Who knows, I could be telling this story to People magazine when Nora gets her first big break!

Nora loves Chuck!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Slowy the Turtle

Yesterday I was driving home, when I saw a turtle in the middle of the road.  It was only about a block from my house so I went home and told my husband about the turtle.  I couldn't stop thinking about how tiny it was and how cool Leo and Nora would think a turtle was.  After about 5 minutes of trying to convince myself that the turtle was probably already dead, I decided to go back and check on him.  I drove back by the spot where I saw him and he was still there, this time with his head sticking out.  I pulled over and picked him up.  I thought this had to be a sign I needed to rescue him.  He was gonna get hit by one the trucks that drive up and down this road.  This turtle was very small, probably only 2-3 inches across his shell.  I put him in the passenger side floor and took him back home.  I found a old shoebox size plastic box and put him in it.  Having no idea what to do with this turtle, I put a few leaves of lettuce in the box and a small bowl of water.  I taped the lid down just in case he tried to escape.  I thought the turtle was neat, but there was no way I wanted to risk him getting loose in the house. 

When Leo and Nora got home from school that afternoon they were so excited to see our newest pet.  I took him out of the box and let him crawl on the kitchen floor.  Leo was fascinated but Nora was happy to just look from a distance.  I knew we really had no room from an aquarium.  I figured we could keep him for a couple of days and then let him go out in the back yard.  I asked Leo what he wanted to name him.  Leo said "Slowy since turtles move slow on land."  Ok sounded good to me.  So Slowy spent the night in the house in a box with a taped down lid.

Nora isn't sure about the turtle
This morning both children asked about the turtle.  "Did Slowy sleep well?"   "How are we gonna feed him?"   "Why can't he just sleep in my room?"   Seriously it's 7:00 am, way too early for questions about our new friend Slowy.  I told Leo that Slowy was on vacation for a few days and he would have to go back to his mom and dad soon.  He put up a little fight but was ok with that explanation. 

This afternoon I decided that it was a good idea for Slowy and the kids to play outside for a while.  Here is my chance for Slowy to return to his parents.  I let Slowy crawl around in the grass a bit.  Finally, he crawled over to the side of our porch and hid in the grass.  Leo was playing so he didn't even notice that Slowy was gone. 

Tonight when I put Nora to bed she asked about the turtle.  I told her that the turtle was with his mommy now.  That worked!  Now what am I going to tell Leo in the morning when he notices that we didn't bring the turtle back in?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Leo Withdrawal and Potty Training

On Mondays Nora goes through "Leo withdrawal."  After spending the weekend together, Nora misses Leo terribly on Mondays.  She can't wait to go pick him up from school.  Today we had to go run some errands in the morning so that helped distract her.  Every time we got out of the car, she asked if we were getting Leo.  It really is the sweetest thing to see how much she looks up to her big brother.  She tries to do everything he does, including playing on the compter.  This is a first for me.  How do you explain to a two year old that you can't play computer games like big brother does?  So I thought why not just let her try.  This is not a battle I want to fight.  If she sits in the chair and clicks the mouse a few times, what is the harm, right?  Well I found out the hard way when I came back in the room and the toolbars were missing and things were moved all around the computer screen.  She even managed to delete part of the game Leo had been playing.  I have no idea how she did that.

While we were at Walmart today, Nora and I took a stroll down the potty aisle in the baby section.  For weeks I have been asking Nora if she wants to use the potty like a big girl.  The answer is a quick "No".  I have no doubt in my mind that Nora could be potty trained - I mean any girl who can work a smartphone and computer better than most adults can surely can use the potty.  The biggest obstacle with be Nora's stubbornness.  I thought that maybe if she sees the very fancy pottys that pretend to flush and clap for you when you are done that she will be more interested.  Right now Nora is getting into princesses and other sparkling girly things.  So if I have to buy a potty with a crown and glitter, I will.  At first, Nora was all about buying a potty.  She wanted the princess potty with a huge pink crown on it.  I tell her that if we buy the potty she has to sit on it like the girl in the picture.  Nora looks at me and again says no then adds "put it back".  Seriously, my two year old princess just told me to "put it back".  I've created a monster.