So this past week I have been sick with the worst cold. It totally knocked me out for three days. Unfortunately, the job of mommy doesn't come with sick days. I had to call in reinforcements, Nana and Grandad! For two days, the kids were with my husband or Nana and Grandad.
While I was drugged out on Benadryl, I had a few random thoughts. One being how excited Leo gets over the little things in life. One day last week, before I came down with the plague, I dropped Leo off at school. Now normally I don't go in with him (yes I'm that mom that drops her kids off in her pj's) but that day I had to tell the teacher something. Leo went into his classroom to put up his coat and started yelling "Come look Mom!" I came into the room and he just exclaimed "Look!" I have no idea what he could be talking about. He then points to the tables covered in old tablecloths and says, "this means we are going to paint today." I drove home that morning and tried to remember the last time I got so excited about something like that. I made a promise to myself to try to look for more small things to get super excited about.
Random thought #2 - Nora may never learn to walk. Nora is now 13 months old and is still just happily cruising around the furniture. While I was laying on the couch coughing my head off, Josh and Leo both get so excited in the bedroom. They both tell me how Nora took two steps. Thankfully, I was still loopy from the Benadryl to really get too upset that I may have missed Nora's first steps. Of course, she will not repeat this miracle for me. Will I still be carrying her around when she is 18 months old? I'm not really concern that there is something wrong with her development, I just don't see any desire to walk. She can carry toys and her sippy cup with her as she flies across the room scooting on her bottom, so why walk? If she doesn't want to be bothered with trying to reach a toy, Nora has a big brother who is more that willing to get it for her. When I asked the doctor about her lack of desire to walk (she wasn't even cruising at 12 months) he tried to reassure me that he didn't see any physical reason why she wasn't walking yet and that we would see what she was doing at her 15 month visit. Ok Nora the clock is ticking, your 15 month old checkup is March 10th.
Random thought number three - I had no idea how messy our house can get in a few days of not cleaning. The job of mommy also doesn't come with a substitute to clean while you are out of comission.
Random thought number four - There are lots of crazy shows on TV and I have watched them all this week, including a marathon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Animal Hoarders.
Random thought number five - I really need a hair cut and a new hair color while I'm at it.
Well it's Sunday night so I need to get ready for another week. They are prediciting snow here again this week. I think I could live my whole live without seeing another snowflake and I would be just fine!
I call my blog Mother of the Year because everytime I do something that makes me feel like the worst mother ever I think to myself "Wow I'm definately not going to win the Mother of the Year award!" This blog is my way of staying sane while I stay at home to raise my two children (and work harder than I ever have in my whole life).
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Music and Other Embarrassing Facts
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Leo as Elvis |
Now I'm the first to admit I know nothing about what is popular today. I do love country music but as far as the Top 40 list I usually have only heard of a few songs. This is the first sign of getting older and I'm definitely feeling this one. On my ipod you will find a strange mix of Elvis, 80's, early 90's and country. Yes I love Elvis. I'm a member of an Elvis fan club and even have a 16x20 famed picture of Elvis in my bedroom.
I have passed down my love of music to Leo and Nora. Leo was Elvis for his second Halloween. When Leo was two, he thought everyone who played a guitar was Elvis, including the man who played guitar at our evening church service. In the middle of church, Leo stood up and said "Look Mama Elvis!" Leo can spot Elvis a mile away!
When I'm stressed and really need to dance, I listen to Britney Spears. Yes, I'm embarrassed to type this. I sure hope the neighbors don't look in the window as I'm dancing and singing. Of course, Leo asks who is singing and I tell him that it's Britney. Not that Britney Spears isn't great, especially if you want to escape reality for a few minutes, but loving Britney isn't something I go around telling people. Now Leo is telling everyone he meets that he loves Britney and "It's Britney baby." He thinks she is so pretty because she has yellow hair like he does. I think I have created a monster!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Cabin Fever
It's day 3 of the great blizzard of 2011. I haven't left the house since Sunday afternoon and I'm starting to lose my mind. Monday, the snow was pretty and it was nice to just relax in the warm house. Yesterday, I was starting to get bored but remembered that I really need to clean the house. Today, the house is clean and the laundry is done and I'm so bored. Leo and I have played every game I can think of, including ones were we pretend to be superheros. We have colored pictures, made cookies, played in the snow and built castles out of Legos, all before 2:00 pm today. I'm now completely out of ideas and we are both stir crazy. Leo asked me today if he was going to ever go back to school. I have no idea what to tell him. I'm pretty sure school will be closed for the rest of the week. I'm not sure Leo and I will make it without a trip to Walmart soon. So far Nora is enjoying the time at home, that is until she realizes that she ate the last of the Goldfish for lunch today. Here's hoping for warmer temperatures to melt some of this snow tomorrow, we really need to get out of the house!
Monday, January 10, 2011
This morning we woke up to a winter wonderland outside. It snowed 8 inches! For Alabama this is a huge deal. Of course, like most of Alabama we are stocked up with plenty of bread and milk. Why is it that bread and milk are the first two things everyone wants to by when there is the threat of snow? I mean really, you can't even make a meal with just those two things. I thought I was smart because I made sure we had plenty of peanut butter but forgot to buy extra jelly. If the power goes out I guess I'll have to make do with a pb minus the j sandwich.
Leo loved the snow. He has been begging to go out and play in it since 7:30am. When Nora took her morning nap, we all got dressed in two layers of clothes and went out to play. Leo thinks it is hilarious to throw snowballs. Whenever Leo is up to no good he has the most devilish laugh. He was laughing so hard at one point he feel over. I had to make a snow angel but was the only one who thought that was fun. Leo tried to sled on a homemade sled, the lid to our trash can! I guess the snow was just to thick and the hill wasn't steep enough so it didn't work to well. We stomped around in the snow and had a blast. When our hands got numb it was time to come in. Here is where the not so fun part started. Taking off snow covered clothes and shoes left a huge plie of snow and water in the kitchen floor. Also walking the dogs in snow that covered half their body wasn't much fun either. They tracked in snow all through out the house, including the snowballs that formed on their fur. I wish we could just play without the mess. Thank God this is a once in a decade kind of thing. I would hate to have to get out in messy snow everyday.
Leo loved the snow. He has been begging to go out and play in it since 7:30am. When Nora took her morning nap, we all got dressed in two layers of clothes and went out to play. Leo thinks it is hilarious to throw snowballs. Whenever Leo is up to no good he has the most devilish laugh. He was laughing so hard at one point he feel over. I had to make a snow angel but was the only one who thought that was fun. Leo tried to sled on a homemade sled, the lid to our trash can! I guess the snow was just to thick and the hill wasn't steep enough so it didn't work to well. We stomped around in the snow and had a blast. When our hands got numb it was time to come in. Here is where the not so fun part started. Taking off snow covered clothes and shoes left a huge plie of snow and water in the kitchen floor. Also walking the dogs in snow that covered half their body wasn't much fun either. They tracked in snow all through out the house, including the snowballs that formed on their fur. I wish we could just play without the mess. Thank God this is a once in a decade kind of thing. I would hate to have to get out in messy snow everyday.
Friday, January 7, 2011
As I was cleaning up Leo's room, I found his old wooden puzzles. I have no idea why I have kept them for the past four years but they did bring back sweet memories. Leo loved those puzzles and still loves puzzles. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, Leo played with these puzzles when he was a baby and could at least try to do most of the 3-piece peg puzzles by himself at a year old. Nora is 13 months old and has never even seen a puzzle before. I felt like the worst mother ever.
Am I the reason there is such a difference between Leo and Nora? I had never really questioned this before. Leo and Nora's personalities are very different. Leo as a baby was very laid back. I taught at two different preschool programs and Leo attended both while I worked. Literally, he was at a different preschool every other day. He never once cried for me when I dropped him off. Nora, however, was a different story. If I walk out of the room she would burst into tears. I couldn't leave her with anyone for months, including her own dad, because she would cry the entire time(thankfully, she has now out grown this stage). There are other differences too. Leo never met a stranger and Nora was terrified of new faces. Leo crawled on his belly like a snake and Nora sits on her bottom and pulls herself the her arms and legs. At 13 months Leo skipped walking and went straight to running but Nora has just starting to cruise around the furniture with no desire to walk by herself.
I never really considered the fact that I treat them differently. Leo was my only concern when he was younger. I felt sense of pride every time he took a step or learned a new word. I feel that same sense of pride with Nora but it's not a new feeling. I now have two children to take care of. I almost forget to let Nora do things on her own. It's just easier to do it for her or help her along. Am I the one holding Nora back? Honestly the answer is probably yes and no. I try to remind myself not to compare Leo and Nora. Nora is her own person and definitely does her own thing in her own time. The differences are fun and in some ways I feel like a new mom taking care of Nora. This must be the difference between the first and second baby. With Leo I was scared of everything and was worried that not reading a book every night would hurt his future academic career. With Nora I have relaxed a bit, although I do still worry about most everything. I know I can be a good mom and I'm concerned less about damaging her future and more about having fun with her.
New Year's resolution #2 - get out the wooden puzzles and let Nora have fun!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Purge Day
Tomorrow is one of the toughest days of the year for me, the day I clean out and purge the kids' rooms. Leo is a collector of junk. If I would let him, he would keep every Happy Meal toy he has ever been given. My husband is the same way. They both hate to throw things out. I am the exact opposite. I regularly go through my things looking for items that need to be donated or trashed. Thankfully, Nora is too little to have collected too much junk and doesn't know when I'm getting rid of her stuff.
Here is my plan of attack for purging Leo's room. As soon as I get home from dropping him off at school, I will start. Leo has a shelf of small binds that are full of little toys. That is my first stop because if a toy is in that area it is rarely played with. I separate the toys into plies of keep, trash, and donate. Here is where the challenge begins. What to get rid off? Will he miss this when it's gone? My mommy guilt goes into overdrive. Who's to stay what is junk and what is a prize possession? If someone came into my room and started getting rid of my stuff would I notice? Of course Leo has more toys than he could ever play with especially the small junky toys that come in kid's meals or other prizes. I try to remind myself that this is for his own good. He doesn't have much area to play in his small room and when his room gets to cluttered he starts bringing his toys into my room. That's right, focus on the feeling of rolling over on Hotwheels cars in the middle of the night or stepping on Leggos.
About four months ago, I tried to involve Leo in the process. I explained that there are some boys that don't have lots of toys and we should share some of our extra toys with them. Leo sat on his bed very quietly for a minute then looked up at me with tears in his eyes. He said "Please mama don't give away all my toys. I really love my Hotwheels." I was heartbroken. I tried to explain it again that we would only give away old toys that he didn't want anymore. It was too late he was crying now because he was going to miss his toys and he just wanted to bring the boys with no toys over to his house to play with his toys. I really thought I was doing a good think by teaching Leo to share and care for others but in reality I had a crying son and was no closer to cleaning out his room. I learned my lesson that day, I will just continue to sneak around and get rid of a few toys when I can.
Here is my plan of attack for purging Leo's room. As soon as I get home from dropping him off at school, I will start. Leo has a shelf of small binds that are full of little toys. That is my first stop because if a toy is in that area it is rarely played with. I separate the toys into plies of keep, trash, and donate. Here is where the challenge begins. What to get rid off? Will he miss this when it's gone? My mommy guilt goes into overdrive. Who's to stay what is junk and what is a prize possession? If someone came into my room and started getting rid of my stuff would I notice? Of course Leo has more toys than he could ever play with especially the small junky toys that come in kid's meals or other prizes. I try to remind myself that this is for his own good. He doesn't have much area to play in his small room and when his room gets to cluttered he starts bringing his toys into my room. That's right, focus on the feeling of rolling over on Hotwheels cars in the middle of the night or stepping on Leggos.
About four months ago, I tried to involve Leo in the process. I explained that there are some boys that don't have lots of toys and we should share some of our extra toys with them. Leo sat on his bed very quietly for a minute then looked up at me with tears in his eyes. He said "Please mama don't give away all my toys. I really love my Hotwheels." I was heartbroken. I tried to explain it again that we would only give away old toys that he didn't want anymore. It was too late he was crying now because he was going to miss his toys and he just wanted to bring the boys with no toys over to his house to play with his toys. I really thought I was doing a good think by teaching Leo to share and care for others but in reality I had a crying son and was no closer to cleaning out his room. I learned my lesson that day, I will just continue to sneak around and get rid of a few toys when I can.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Back to Normal
For the first time in two weeks, I'm starting to feel like life is normal again. There are no more Christmas parties to celebrate or presents to open. New Year's came and went (for the first time in years I didnt' stay up till midnight). Now it's back to reality. Back to school tomorrow and back to a normal routine for mama. I'm just like the kids, without a schedule I just can't function. These past two weeks I haven't exercised once and definitely didn't stay on Weight Watchers very well. I'm ready to start the new year fresh.
I'm also doing something that I haven't done in a long time, trying to enjoy some alone time. Both the kids are in the bed asleep and I'm going to make the most of this time by doing nothing productive. Sure there are dishes that need to be put away and clothes that need folding but right now I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is my New Year's Resolution, I'm going to take more time out for myself. I'm going to get out more without the kids. I'm going to take bubble baths again. I'm going to read books and listen to music I want to listen to. Being a stay at home mom is the job that never ends. It seems like there is never a time when I'm not at work. When I worked full-time, I would come home from work and relax a bit before I would cook dinner or start cleaning up. Without that routine it can feel like some days I don't take that time to relax a bit.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed with the children I'm going to remember these sweet faces. This is why I'm up making breakfast at 7:30 am and still cleaning at 9:00 pm. This is why I'm happy to stay at home with them.
I'm also doing something that I haven't done in a long time, trying to enjoy some alone time. Both the kids are in the bed asleep and I'm going to make the most of this time by doing nothing productive. Sure there are dishes that need to be put away and clothes that need folding but right now I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is my New Year's Resolution, I'm going to take more time out for myself. I'm going to get out more without the kids. I'm going to take bubble baths again. I'm going to read books and listen to music I want to listen to. Being a stay at home mom is the job that never ends. It seems like there is never a time when I'm not at work. When I worked full-time, I would come home from work and relax a bit before I would cook dinner or start cleaning up. Without that routine it can feel like some days I don't take that time to relax a bit.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed with the children I'm going to remember these sweet faces. This is why I'm up making breakfast at 7:30 am and still cleaning at 9:00 pm. This is why I'm happy to stay at home with them.
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