Sunday, January 23, 2011

Total Random Thoughts

So this past week I have been sick with the worst cold.  It totally knocked me out for three days.  Unfortunately, the job of mommy doesn't come with sick days.  I had to call in reinforcements, Nana and Grandad!  For two days, the kids were with my husband or Nana and Grandad. 

While I was drugged out on Benadryl, I had a few random thoughts.  One being how excited Leo gets over the little things in life.  One day last week, before I came down with the plague, I dropped Leo off at school.  Now normally I don't go in with him (yes I'm that mom that drops her kids off in her pj's) but that day I had to tell the teacher something.  Leo went into his classroom to put up his coat and started yelling "Come look Mom!"  I came into the room and he just exclaimed "Look!"  I have no idea what he could be talking about.  He then points to the tables covered in old tablecloths and says, "this means we are going to paint today."  I drove home that morning and tried to remember the last time I got so excited about something like that.  I made a promise to myself to try to look for more small things to get super excited about.

Random thought #2 - Nora may never learn to walk.  Nora is now 13 months old and is still just happily cruising around the furniture.  While I was laying on the couch coughing my head off, Josh and Leo both get so excited in the bedroom.  They both tell me how Nora took two steps.  Thankfully, I was still loopy from the Benadryl to really get too upset that I may have missed Nora's first steps.  Of course, she will not repeat this miracle for me.  Will I still be carrying her around when she is 18 months old?  I'm not really concern that there is something wrong with her development, I just don't see any desire to walk.  She can carry toys and her sippy cup with her as she flies across the room scooting on her bottom, so why walk?  If she doesn't want to be bothered with trying to reach a toy, Nora has a big brother who is more that willing to get it for her.  When I asked the doctor about her lack of desire to walk (she wasn't even cruising at 12 months) he tried to reassure me that he didn't see any physical reason why she wasn't walking yet and that we would see what she was doing at her 15 month visit.  Ok Nora the clock is ticking, your 15 month old checkup is March 10th.

Random thought number three - I had no idea how messy our house can get in a few days of not cleaning.  The job of mommy also doesn't come with a substitute to clean while you are out of comission. 

Random thought number four - There are lots of crazy shows on TV and I have watched them all this week, including a marathon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Animal Hoarders.

Random thought number five - I really need a hair cut and a new hair color while I'm at it. 

Well it's Sunday night so I need to get ready for another week.  They are prediciting snow here again this week.  I think I could live my whole live without seeing another snowflake and I would be just fine!

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