Monday, May 7, 2012

Leo Withdrawal and Potty Training

On Mondays Nora goes through "Leo withdrawal."  After spending the weekend together, Nora misses Leo terribly on Mondays.  She can't wait to go pick him up from school.  Today we had to go run some errands in the morning so that helped distract her.  Every time we got out of the car, she asked if we were getting Leo.  It really is the sweetest thing to see how much she looks up to her big brother.  She tries to do everything he does, including playing on the compter.  This is a first for me.  How do you explain to a two year old that you can't play computer games like big brother does?  So I thought why not just let her try.  This is not a battle I want to fight.  If she sits in the chair and clicks the mouse a few times, what is the harm, right?  Well I found out the hard way when I came back in the room and the toolbars were missing and things were moved all around the computer screen.  She even managed to delete part of the game Leo had been playing.  I have no idea how she did that.

While we were at Walmart today, Nora and I took a stroll down the potty aisle in the baby section.  For weeks I have been asking Nora if she wants to use the potty like a big girl.  The answer is a quick "No".  I have no doubt in my mind that Nora could be potty trained - I mean any girl who can work a smartphone and computer better than most adults can surely can use the potty.  The biggest obstacle with be Nora's stubbornness.  I thought that maybe if she sees the very fancy pottys that pretend to flush and clap for you when you are done that she will be more interested.  Right now Nora is getting into princesses and other sparkling girly things.  So if I have to buy a potty with a crown and glitter, I will.  At first, Nora was all about buying a potty.  She wanted the princess potty with a huge pink crown on it.  I tell her that if we buy the potty she has to sit on it like the girl in the picture.  Nora looks at me and again says no then adds "put it back".  Seriously, my two year old princess just told me to "put it back".  I've created a monster. 

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