Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Books, babies and other bed time stories

Tonight before bed, Nora found a book I was reading and started pretending to read it.  Leo, of course, was quick to point out that Nora was holding the book upside down and "besides she can't even read."  Nora was so hurt by Leo fussing at her that she looked right at him and yelled "I baby."  Leo and I just looked at each other and died laughing.  Nora has no intention of growing up.  Being a baby is her answer for everything.  Whatever you do, don't call Nora a big girl.  She is very quick to remind you that she is a baby.  Where did she get this?  The obvious answer is that I still treat her like the baby.  No, she doesn't still drink out of bottles, but I do baby her a lot more than I did Leo for various selfish reasons.  One, it's just easier sometimes to carry her and only have to chase after one child.  Two, she is the baby of our family so why not enjoy it.  Three, do I really want to put her in a toddler bed that she can get out of at 5:45am like Leo has done everyday this week?  What's the harm in it?  I never really thought about it until Nora literally shouted it at Leo, "I baby." 

Is it time for Nora to get a little more independent and perhaps switch her to a toddler bed?  Is this the first step to a big girl Nora?  Nora has no problem with her crib and sees no reason to change.  Well for now, neither do I. 

Baby Nora her first day home from the hospital


  1. HAHA! I still carry my kindergartner around on my hip because it is just easier sometimes. I still climb in bed with her every night and snuggle with her. And I still call her my "baby girl" and she knows it! As she has progressed through the year, I have learned to let go some (with prompting from her teacher), and she has been fine. It has been harder on me than her...because she is my baby. I say, let her stay in the crib as long as she likes as long as she is safe.

  2. So glad you are doing your blog again, Steph. I'm so blessed to have u guys in my life! Hard to describe the wonderful feeling that comes over me when Nora raises her arms as she runs toward me with that big beautiful smile on her face. OF COURSE, I'm gonna hold her!
