Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just how old am I?

It dawned on me Sunday night as I prayed for the snow to stop, that I'm getting old.  Since when did snow cause me so much nervousness.  I'm not worried about driving around in the snow or having to leave that house for that matter, what worries me about snow is that school will close.  No school means no break for mama.  Everyday Leo goes to preschool from 9-12 and Nora takes a morning nap from 9:30-11:30 or so.  This is my only alone time.  For 2 - 2 1/2 hours I do nothing productive.  I prop my feet up and play on the computer.  I listen to music and totally do whatever I want to.  However, as I saw the snow falling my heart sunk, no alone time for mama on Monday.  It really got me thinking, just how old am I?  Praying for no snow has to be the first sign of old age.  When snow no longer brings excitement, you are definitely old. 

Here are a few other things that make me feel old:
1.  Listening to the "classic rock" station and remembering every song like it was yesterday.
2.  Seeing my favorite 80's and 90's bands.  Instead of looking super hot like I remember, they just look old and out of shape.
3.  Saying things like "I remember when we didn't even have cell phones" to teenagers and seeing the look of shock on their faces.
4.  Remembering a time in college when I ate fast food almost everyday and didn't gain weight.  Now if I look at McDonald's I gain 3 pounds.

No matter how old I feel, here are a few things that keep me young at heart:
1.  Seeing Nora's toothy grin.
2.  Watching Leo get so excited when he puts the last piece in the puzzle.
3.  The excitement on Leo's face as we played in the snow yesterday.
4.  Watching Nora's face light up when she sees one of the cats.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when we used to pray for snow and for "school" to close so we didn't have to go to work! Funny how things change after kids.
