Over the past few weeks, Nora has really developed a funny little personality. It's like now that she is one, she has grown up overnight. Nora's new favorite activity is to sit in her bouncy seat (she sits in it like a big rocking chair) and talk on her toy phone. She will climb up in her seat, starts rocking and talks forever. Now every time the phone rings she tries to answer it by say "elo" like an old person. She also loves stuffed animals or anything fuzzy for that matter. I have a fuzzy robe that she loves. If she sees in hanging in the closet, she points and cries for it. Nora also loves to play with Leo's toys. I should have saved my money and just let her play with Leo's stuff. She prefers to be in his room throwing his Hotwheels. Of course I think everything she does is super cute. I can remember before I had kids, how silly I thought parents were talking about their children reaching developmental milestones like the kid just found a cure for cancer. I would laugh and think I'll never be like that. Well, here I am five years and two kids later, gushing over Nora talking or climbing up on stuff. Something clicks in your brain the moment you see that goo covered baby that just came out of you. You know longer can be objective about anything they do or don't do. I truly believe that no other baby has ever looked so cute talking on a toy phone as Nora does. I guess this total love of everything they do gets me through the hard times. Honestly, Nora waking up at 4am this morning or refusing to drink out of a sippy cup is so not cute. Whenever I get frustrated with her or so tired I think I could fall asleep while typing on the computer, I remember that sweet face holding the phone backwards to her ear.
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