Back in August, I joined Weight Watchers. I realized that I was out of reasons for being overweight. Nora was 8 months old and I was continuing to gain weight. The lack of sleep and stress of moving were adding more and more weight. I decided that enough was enough.
For the first week, I was starving. I thought about food all the time. I was use to just going in the kitchen and eating whatever I wanted, anytime day or night. Now I was keeping track of all that I ate. I also started walking at the park in the mornings when I would drop Leo off at pre-school. The first week I lost 7 pounds. That was the motivation I needed to keep going.
Weight Watchers is super easy to follow. Now with the new points program, it's even easier. I love that it is not a diet. I eat whatever I want to. All food has a points value and I just keep up the the points I eat each day. You are also giving extra weekly points to use however you want to. (Ha ha I could totally be the Weight Watcher's spokesperson huh?)
So far, I have lost almost 31 pounds and my BMI has dropped 5 points. I went from being able to walk 1 mile to walking 2.5 miles. My clothing size has also dropped 2 sizes. I now am able to wear the same size I wore before I had Leo. Basically, I'm one hot and healthier mama now!
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